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To ensure that its students attain high academic success; have equal fluency in Turkish and English; and adapt to the ever-changing world as positive leaders while developing the necessary skills, attitudes and sense of responsibility to serve their country and humanity as well-rounded global citizens.



To ensure academic success and personal well-being by creating sustainable learning environments



Enter to learn, depart to serve





  • Use reason, and scientific and critical thinking as a guide with full commitment to the ideals of Atatürk
  • Demonstrate high academic success and dedication to lifelong learning
  • Acquire the skills of how to obtain and evaluate knowledge, use the information responsibly, and gain digital competence


Global Citizenship

  • Multilingualism
  • Respect and celebrate cultural diversity
  • Act ethically in accordance with strong values and principles
  • Understand the value of Human Rights and the ideals of democracy
  • Embracing a gender-equal society
  • Understand climate issues and work diligently to protect the environment



  • Adapt creatively and innovatively to the times using scientific inquiry, literary and artistic approaches, information technology and the social sciences 
  • Embody responsibility, self-confidence, initiative, teamwork and risk-taking; be an effective communicator with strong leadership, organizational and time management skills
  • Develop both physically and spiritually, display psychological resilience and flexibility, while understanding the value of living a healthy life
  • Care about and participate in social service activities



Last update on January 6, 2021






High quality learning is a cycle. Beginning with curiosity and a need for knowledge, the cycle continues with acquiring, evaluating, experiencing and applying it. At the end of this cycle, we acquire new knowledge by transferring it to novel situations and combining the previous information and skills with the new. With this lifelong high-quality educational cycle, importance is given to scientific and critical thinking, holistic and contextual approaches, conceptual thinking, digital life skills, scientific and technological developments, creation of interdisciplinary individual or team projects, and active citizenship.





· Is motivated and focused, wants to learn, reads, listens, takes notes, asks questions, does research, communicates orally and in writing, applies knowledge

· Uses reliable sources and conceptual language, supports academic claims with evidence and theories

· Manages time well

· Open to feedback

· Takes responsibility of own learning

· Makes real life connection, serves society by being an active citizen

· Are open to new perspectives and understanding as a flexible, life-long learner


In summary: the cycle of high-quality learning changes one's perspective and, thus, the world.