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“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
Sir Isaac Newton


The Naomi Foster Library Media Centre serves the students, teachers, and personnel of ACI High School and SEV Middle School. Our purpose is to provide access to a diverse collection of knowledge, teach life-long information skills, foster a love of reading, and support the MEB and IB course curricula.


Collection and Services:

The library provides access to over 50,000 print titles in many languages. In addition to a large collection of books, we have several hundred ebooks and digital audiobooks, with subscriptions to more than 135 newspapers and magazines and 10 online databases. The library collection is catalogued according to Dewey Decimal Classification and available online through the Follett Destiny library management system.


As a special service to the community, graduates may borrow from the library upon the payment of a deposit.


Technology and Meeting Rooms:

The library media center provides access to 12 computer workstations and wi-fi is available for personal devices. A networked photocopy machine is available for printing, scanning, and copying.

The library houses one computer lab and three multi-purpose meeting rooms equipped with networked overhead projection devices. These rooms are available for use by appointment.



· The library is open Monday to Friday 8:00 to 17:00.

· During midterm breaks and summer holidays the library is open Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 and 12:00.

· The library is open during lunch.


Since many courses are taught in the library, priority for materials and services belongs to the scheduled classes.

Current students may access personal library accounts, library policies, and the library calendar by visiting MyACI.