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 “Man’s curiosity is proportional to his level of education.”

Jean Jacques Rousseau (French Philosopher)



The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) was designed by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) that was founded in 1968 and that leads international education. The program covers students in the last 2 years of secondary education.

The IB, which aims at preparing students to university and afterwards in the best possible manner, is the only program that bears the adjective "international." Students who have met the program’s requirements and who have succeeded in the central completion test obtain the self-discipline that is necessary for university education and for learning all through their lives.


The IB Diploma Programme is implemented in 3622 IB-accredited schools (as of March 2021) around the world. In our country there are a total of 57 schools (as of March 2021) authorized to implement the program following after having met the IB standards and passed the necessary inspections. ACI is the first school to get authorized in Aegean Region.


Curriculum Model


The IB consists of six academic fields surrounding a core. The student who is an IB diploma-candidate is expected to complete courses chosen from among the six course groups during the two years education, as well as the Theory of Knowledge, Dissertation and CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) courses that are the core elements of the program.

To examine the model, please click on the photo on the column to the right.


 IB Diploma


In order to earn the IB Diploma, the student must;


  • choose six courses from each of the six course groups, three of these being of standard level (SL) and the other three of high-level (HL), must receive minimum 240 hours education for high level courses and a minimum of 150 hours for standard level courses during the two years, and must succeed in these,
  • Succeed in the 100-hour TOK (Theory of Knowledge) course, which is at the core of the hexagon and which enables critical thinking on different paths of knowledge and considering the role and nature of knowledge within the student’s own culture, in other cultures and on a global scale,
  • Complete and present the Extended Essay which is an independent and personal research work of maximum 4000 words and which lies at the centre of the IB Model,
  • Complete the core element CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) program, whichs designed to develop self-confidence, empathy and charity in students.
  • Obtain at least 24 points out of 45 (6x7=42, 42+3=45) and fulfill all the other sub-criteria regarding the points awarded.



Courses taken by ACI IB students from among the 6 course groups:


IBTM (IB Turkish-Math)

IBFM (IB Science-Math)

IBFM 2 (IB Science-Art)


Turkish A

Turkish A

Turkish A


English A

English A

English A


Turkey in 20th Century (TITC)

Economics ITGS (Information Technologies in Global Societies)

Economics ITGS (Information Technologies in Global Societies)


Environmental Sysyems and Societies(ESS)








Visual Arts(VA)/Film/ Theatre/Psychology/ Economics


Visual Arts(VA)/Film/ Theatre/Psychology

























Who Qualifies For The Program?


he following qualifications are sought in International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) candidates;


  • The L2 end of first term success average must be minimum 75 out of 100,
  • The L2 end of first term English grade must be minimum 70 out of 100,
  • There must be no failing grades for any of the courses for the current or previous year(s),
  • Fluency in the English language,
  • The will to handle a rather challenging academic program,
  • Skill in work-planning,
  • The approval of the school administration,
  • Completion of all L3 IB requirements, in order to continue to L4 as an IB student.


 Why IB?


  • All prominent universities across the world give priority to IBDP students.
  • Most prominent universities across the world give IBDP courses credits, which means that the student graduates earlier than usual (3-3.5 years instead of 4 years).
  • IBDP students have wider opportunities for scholarships.
  • The most important is the fact that international researches show that IBDP students are more successful in university compared to non-IBDP students.


The Connection Between the International Baccalaureate Programme (IBDP) and the University Application Process and the Process for Acceptance to Universities in Canada, Europe, Britain and the U.S.A.:


1. Students’ choices of IBDP courses increase their success in the IBDP and increase their chance to study what they want at university.

2. The IBDP increases a student’s skills in the English language.

3. The IBDP brings higher SAT and TOEFL results.

4. The IBDP Extended Essay increases the student’s skill in critical thinking and completing researches on various subjects.

5. ACI students who have completed the IBDP successfully are more readily accepted by universities in Canada, Europe, Britain and the U.S.A.

6. ACI students who have completed the IBDP successfully will be able to complete their university educations in many prominent universities in Canada, Britain and the U.S.A. in three years (instead of four years). This means a significant saving for the student and his/her family.

8. ACI students who have completed the IBDP successfully will be able to obtain financial support and scholarships from many prominent universities in Canada, Britain and the U.S.A. This also means a significant saving for the student and his/her family.


 The IB Diploma And The Turkish University Entrance System


  • The IB Diploma enables application to and acceptance by foreign universities without having to take the centralized Turkish university entrance examination.
  • The IB Diploma Programme does not affect students’ success in the Turkish system negatively; centralized exam’s requirements are taken into consideration while implementing the program.
  • The IB diploma enables students to obtain various scholarship opportunities and course exceptions in domestic private universities according to their IB diploma grades. The Turkish Government does not allow application to domestic universities with only an IB Diploma.